Gank Path Legend
White Arrows indicate a path that should be used if the enemy is overextended pushing your turret.
Red Arrows represent a path that avoids more common ward locations, where the enemy cannot see you until you are much closer. This path puts you behind the enemy, cutting off their escape route.
Green Arrows represent the least warded way to get to a lane. When you gank, have your allies in lane ensure that there is no vision in the bush closest to you, then hide in the bush until your ally initiates, or wait until the opponent face checks the bush. However, if the opponent has the bush warded, then you lose out on valuable experience and gold.
Blue Arrows represent a risky gank that forces you to dive the enemy turret. If you attempt such a gank, landing all your spells is key, as you take increasing damage the more times you get hit by the same turret. You should take this gank path if the enemy is being very careful to avoid ganks.
Baron Nashor
Initial Spawn 20:00
Respawn 7:00
Provides Hand of Baron to all teammates.
Provides +325 gold and +900 xp to all teammates.
Initial Spawn 2:30
Respawn 6:00
Provides a stack of Dragon Slayer to all teammates
Provides +25 gold, +75 xp to killer and nearby allies.
Initial Spawn 1:55
Respawn 1:40
Provides +62 gold, +200 xp.
Murk Wolves
Initial Spawn 1:55
Respawn 1:40
Greater Murk Wolf provides +42 gold, +142 xp.
Murk Wolves (2) provide +12 gold, +30 xp.
Initial Spawn 1:55
Respawn 1:40
Ancient Krug provides +60 gold, +150 xp
Krug provides +14 gold, +50 xp.
Initial Spawn 1:55
Respawn 1:40
Crimson Raptor provides +41 gold, +140 xp
Raptors (3) provide +9 gold, +20 xp.
Rift Scuttler
Initial Spawn 2:30
Respawn 3:00
Provides +35 gold, +35 xp, vision of Baron or Dragon pit.
Moves around in the river.
Blue Sentinel
Initial Spawn 1:55
Respawn 5:00
Provides Crest of Insight buff
Provides +35 gold, + 100 xp
Sentry (2) provide +20 gold, +50 xp.
Red Brambleback
Initial Spawn 2:30
Respawn 5:00
Provides Crest of Cinders buff
Provides +36 gold, +100 xp
Cinderling (2) provides +20 gold, +50 xp.
Defensive Lane Ward
Sights out bushes, watches for ganks from mid or jungle.
Defensive Jungle Ward
Protect jungler from invasion, protect from ganks.
Ward jungle defensively if falling behind.
Objectives Ward
Watch to see if enemy team is trying to take Baron or Dragon.
Aggressive Lane Ward
Allows you to safely pressure a lane,
reduces chance of being caught out pushing.
Aggressive Jungle Ward
Allows you to safely pressure lanes and farm the enemy jungle.
Scouting Ward
Place these when your team goes to destroy a turret.
Provides information on where enemies are headed as they leave and cross lanes in their territory.
Siege Ward
Place these to spot enemy team to better poke,
and gather information when attempting to initiate (or when you don't want to be initiated upon).
Stand here as close to the wall as possible,
and place the ward at maximum range (cursor will turn red),
and the ward will be placed over the wall into the bush.
Very useful if your team is behind or if you don't want to facecheck the bush.
Turning smartcast off makes this easier.